Characters: Smoke, Goodbye, and the Re-build Crew!
Date/Time: Thursday afternoon & evening
Location: ruins of Smoke's Bar & Tavern
Rating: PG13 for adult location & guesses of content
Summary: This is mainly a head-count log; if you don't have time to log, if you can just sign an OOC note that your character was around to help, I'd appreciate it!
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The tall man arrived a little later than usual, and it seemed he'd taken extra pains to clean himself up on this particular night. His usual mess of black hair was combed back into a neat ponytail; shorter strands and bangs escaped and stuck out but didn't look particularly frizzy. Wearing casual blue jeans, white t-shirt, and a nice leather jacket, he stood among those gathering to watch and listen to her performance.
So, this was Goodbye.
It was an interesting name, he mused while listening and tapping his foot to the beat. Intense gold eyes examined the singer with interest... She didn't look particularly familiar, but Fugue did somewhat fancy her. Hopefully he'd have a chance to speak with her during performance break or afterward.
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