Characters: Medium and whoever wants to jump in~
Date/Time: November 7, afternoon
Location: Bazaar Ltd
Rating: PG! (or PG-13 if some people drop in XP)
Summary: Medium gains
her familiar. And can't find it. But that's okay because it's a big market and someone has to have the answers.
It was easy enough to see the Sphere recovering, at least from Medium's viewpoint. When the world had once been on fire, anything was an improvement. People were still looking for people that had vanished. She kept watch at the Clinic's list just in case a coworker or acquaintance was marked off as reborn. It seemed like people would recover, in her mind at least. Her friends had returned, Spirit and Prongs were alive, it was all going well. As well as recovering from a massive amount of death could.
As she walked among the stalls and blanket-merchants, looking at what people were trying to manage, she heard a small voice.
"Mysterious Medium, I finally found you!" It was very familiar, achingly, almost.
She stopped and looked around. "Hello?" A few people looked around. She tugged on a nearby person's jacket. "Excuse me, do you hear that?" On top of her head, clinging to her black topknot, was
a tiny mammal.