Take My Hand, Lets Go on an Adventure!

Aug 11, 2009 19:11

Characters: Sora shiroi_memory and Memory ifonlyamemory
Date/Time: Backdated: August 8, Twilight
Location: Through the scavenger's yard
Rating: G. So cute!! Sora's cute, Memory's cute. What else could it be?
Summary: Sora had asked Memory to go for a walk through the scavenger's yard.

Sora stood by the elevator's door as he waited for his friend to arrive. He was indeed lucky to make a friend right away, never mind one who felt so close to him already. He wanted to take her around to show her where he worked since she had seemed curious about it.

More than excited, he couldn't help but jitter a bit in spot, looking at and away from the door in excitement. When Memory got there, they could explore! Hopefully she wore the right clothes to be down here--he wouldn't want her to cut herself while down here. He'd just feel bad if that happened!

~kh: roxas (sora), ~kh: naminé (memory)

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