Characters: Alphonse/Fullmetal and Sanzo/Moon, open to Hughes/Click.
Date/Time: July 18, noon-ish
Location: Paper Factory island, the journal makers tent.
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Fullmetal needs employees and Moon needs a job. PERHAPS THEY CAN HELP ONE ANOTHER!? Also Click may drop in, because he expressed interest in the job as well.
Lalala~ Rei is no good at coming up with cut text~ Lalala~ )
And that was why he was outside, walking in the rain towards the island where the journals were made. It was quite wet, but that was obvious. Click would stop occasionally while walking to wipe the water off his glasses, only to have them showered on again by the water falling from his hair. He rolled his eyes, shrugged, and ignored both glasses and hair.
He'd never been to this particular island before, but he'd studied the maps beforehand, and so finding his way there was not particularly difficult.
Spotting the tent that presumably was the journal makers' tent, Click headed over and entered. He saw Fullmetal and another man he wasn't quite sure he knew. Another applicant, perhaps?
"Hey, Fullmetal," he said as a greeting, smiling widely, while removing his glasses and wiping the rainwater off of them.
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