Characters: Chosen
hunny_sensor and Senri/Claw
bearheartedDate/Time: Backdated to May 13, morning
Location: The Wilderness Bedroom Store
Rating: PG for nekkids.
Summary: The bear +Anima returns to Edensphere, and someone is there to greet him. ...And teach him a little about the growing number of hunnies in the tree. Too bad it falls on confused ears.
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff... )
"You forgot a lot of stuff. Everyone did. So it helps to pick something out for the time being until you remember, you know? I've got some stuff to help you get started here... well, the best you can while those stupid ants are crawling all over the place. This bedroom store's the safe zone for now, so don't use the elevator, okay?"
Chosen scratched the back of his head. Was that what the guide usually says? It's been a while since he had a greeting. It wasn't like he wanted another one, however. Dying probably hurt like a mother.
"The girls here in Edensphere are tough cookies, but if you give them a solid look in the eyes, smile your best, and cater to their whims, they melt like butter. If a girl likes flowers, give her flowers. If she likes sweets, try some chocolate. You know the deal. Just be yourself... I guess." He wasn't entirely sure what 'being himself' meant for this guy, but hopefully it was appealing.
Shrugging, he handed the guy a set of clothing once he appeared dry enough.
"Are you with me so far?"
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