Characters: Chosen
hunny_sensor and Senri/Claw
bearheartedDate/Time: Backdated to May 13, morning
Location: The Wilderness Bedroom Store
Rating: PG for nekkids.
Summary: The bear +Anima returns to Edensphere, and someone is there to greet him. ...And teach him a little about the growing number of hunnies in the tree. Too bad it falls on confused ears.
Another day, another bruise. Again, why are Edensphere women so damn angry all the time!? Rubbing a sore spot at the back of his head, Chosen went on his rounds that morning, muttering to himself. There were people all around him having next to no problems getting the attention of the opposite sex... so what the heck was he doing wrong!? It bothered him more than a little bit. His thoughts were interrupted by that signature sound of a cocoon ready to hatch, and he prepared himself: After that success with Cecdan, he'd keep a vase of roses for the hatchlings that arrived. Though he would be disappointed, he fetched a rose and made sure everything was ready.
Jeez, that guide was taking a long lunch break... but that was fine. His loss. If it was another little cutie, it would be very fortuitous for him, right? Chosen spent a moment to preen himself to get ready. That punch to the back of his head seemed to have mussed up that sea of red a little. Hopefully there wasn't blood... ow ow ow.