(no subject)

Mar 19, 2009 22:40

Characters: Kiba (starstruckstray) with appearances by Hakuteiken (snobbiest) and Bastet (felinemystique)
Date/Time: Thursday, March 19th, evening
Location: Hot Springs island
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence
Summary: Kiba finds Kazahana. That sound you hear? Is his sanity snapping.

He was going to beat the shit out of whoever did this.

Kazahana's missing, and somebody dresses up some fucking doll of her for people to find next to a hot spring? He glared, his gaze sweeping the foliage for some sign of whoever had placed it there. But he was no tracker, and they were likely long gone.

It made him uneasy, that thing sitting there in clean, neat clothes, placed on a chair that looked like it was covered in vines. Why go to all the trouble to place it in this out of the way spring? He was only here because he wasn't letting a square inch of this place escape his search.

He inched more closely, strangely drawn to and repelled by it all at once. It really did look exactly like her. He reached out, his unease growing as he carefully pressed a finger against a too-pale cheek. The pallor was what had convinced him it couldn't possibly be her--

Smooth, cold skin gently depressed beneath his touch.


This couldn't...that wasn't...no

In a daze, he let his hand drift to her shoulder. "Hey," he rasped, shaking her gently. "Hey, bitch. You're not...you can't be..."

There was no response, her head lolling to one side, limp and grotesque. Red spread over his vision and he scooped her up, holding her to his chest. "You stupid bitch," he growled. "You can't--you weren't supposed to--"

This wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to look out for each other. Blood rushed in his ears and he swung his head around like a hound, still clutching her lifeless body.


she's my world she's my fucking world she was all I had I gave her up she was gonna be better off I let her die he can't save her I can't save her I failed her again never any use to her never any fucking use to her

Use my power. Together we will avenge her. But you must call my name.

I finally found her and she's dead and oh god her stomach her fucking stomach they bandaged it those bastards dressed her up like a doll she looks so little and I can't I can't I can't I can't ever fucking save

Do not let our power stay lost. Remember.

never good enough never good enough not strong enough he's not here to save her but it's too late goddammit


His soul was screaming, the nue in his mind was roaring for blood, and he drew back his sword, eyes fixed on Kazahana's pale, still face--eyes that no longer held any trace of sanity.


The wicked, sectioned whip-sword snapped forward as he screamed, the serrated edges tearing through the surrounding bushes and trees, in the thought that whoever had done this might still be hiding nearby. He leapt into the air, still holding her cold dead limp body, snapping his sword forward again and again.

An arriving energy signature broke through his grief-fueled rage, and he turned to see a man a little older than him with dark hair and cool blue eyes. He knew him somehow, and rage and resentment and sorrow battled within him, finally spilling over into jumbled, nearly incoherent words.

"Why didn't you stop this?" he screamed. "She was supposed to be better off with you, goddammit!" That's why he'd let her go in the first place, right?

That was before...not here...

To most people, there would have been no change in the man's coolly superior expression, but somehow Kiba could read grief, affront...and cold anger. "Useless," he said, in a deep, achingly familiar voice. "To cause such senseless destruction."

Kiba stopped for a moment, standing there panting as his eyes and chest burned. "Sir," he said, helplessly, not knowing why he addressed him so...or why the other man's words stung so much.

Hakuteiken blinked as he extended an elegant hand, every movement heavy with scorn. "Way of binding number sixty-one," he chanted. "Rikujoukourou."

Six wide beams of light slammed into Kiba's torso, shocking him out of his rage. I'll drop her.

"No," he screamed, "No, I won't let her go again!" He couldn't move, capable of doing nothing but clutching Kazahana awkwardly to him. "N--"

And everything went black.

Bastet caught Kiba beneath his arms, keeping both him and Kazahana upright. "Come help me," she commanded; she wouldn't have been able to bear if Kazahana had fallen to the ground like a discarded toy. She'd rushed to the scene as soon as she felt Kiba's reiatsu flare, arriving in time to see Hakuteiken restraining him with a high-level binding spell. She'd hadn't hesitated, flickering out of sight to knock him out with a blow to the back of the head.

Hakuteiken took Kazahana, and she lowered Kiba to the ground, still restrained by the spell. She turned to look at her friend, laying small and crumpled in her husband's arms. Taking a deep breath, she laid a gentle hand on Kazahana's head, leaning over to press her own forehead against her friend's in a moment of grief.


"Kiba has destroyed any chance we had of getting clues from the area," she said hoarsely. "So Kazahana herself is all we have left. I'd like you to allow someone to see what they can determine from her." Bridge had to agree to see her. He had to.

Hakuteiken nodded, visibly angry and upset as he pulled Kazahana's body closer to him. Bastet turned away, sitting on a tree stump and pulling out her journal. She had to clear her mind; there were things to be done.

There were always things to be done.

~bleach: byakuya (hakuteiken), bleach: renji (kiba), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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