Characters: King (
totaldrama_king), Shumi's evil twin, (
prez_leg_cramp) and OPEN to anyone else!
Date/Time: Feb. 28
Location: Residential Area
Rating: PG
Summary: Six year old King gets lost and help has arrived... or not...
Notes: Please add your own tags!
How did this happen? King was now no taller than four feet. His clothes were too big for him. King had tried to roll up his sleeves and his pant legs but occasionally, they would begin to fall. As he walked, he would pull them up. He walked around but every few steps, it would turn into scoots. He wondered if he would be able to find some smaller clothes. Well, King was more concerned about turning back to normal but for the moment being, the oversized clothes bothered him more than his appearance.
This wasn't good. He was having a bit of trouble following the map. He knew that he was in the residential area, or at least, he hoped. King needed to find his way to where he now lived. Looking up, King swept the blonde hair out of his eyes. Was he anywhere near where he needed to be? Sighing, King decided that it was time to ask for help. He pulled out his journal. Placing the map on the ground, he searched himself for a pen. Finally, he found one. As he opened the journal, his sleeve fell down again. King tried to catch it, accidently dropping the pen in his hand. King's eyes filled with tears as he sniffed quietly. Why was this happening?