Feb 11, 2020 11:27
I often find myself with people asking me how I have managed to make it tthrough things and how I have gotten myself and my energy so peaceful and the honest to God truth is;
I do the work.
Look, anyone can have peace and be happy, but it only works if you want it - if you REALLY want it.
That said, inner peace is an inside job. And it doesn't start with big things; its gradual little things - start out by realising you are in control of the future - and above that start making an active choice to focus on you and you alone.
So many people talk talk talk about being spiritual and wanting peace but so few want to put in the work and expect to just have everything fall in to place.
Thats not how that works...
Hey! Thats fine, though - but don't ask me to listen to you unless you are interested in me giving advice; because otherwise you are just wasting my energy and becoming an energy vampire.