a-z meme

Jan 24, 2009 15:57

Totally snagged this from kudagirl  without permission who snagged it from debris4spike

- Available: Yes, and looking 
- Age: 38 soon to be 39
- Annoyance:  ignorance
- Animal: Dogs
- Beer: yuck
- Birthday: April 18 I like expensive things LOL 
- Best feeling in world: happiness
- Blind or Deaf: neither
- Best weather: mid spring
- Been on stage: yes but not in several years
- Believe in Santa: yes, as long as I receive I believe
- Candy: Chocolate
- Color: Purple/Blue
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican
- Cake or pie: Both
- Cheese:  it's ok
- Day or Night: Night
- Dance in the rain: nope
- Diets: don't work 
- Eyes: dark brown
- Everyone has:  quirks
- Ever failed a class?: no but I came close a few times
- Full name: I hate my full name 
- First thoughts waking up:  eww I have to go to work 
- Food:  I love food
- Greatest Fear: Heights/ being alone 
- Goals:  Life partner and kids 
- Gum:  yes I chew most of the time
- Get along with your parents: Mom yes, My dad could fall off the planet and I couldn't care less.
- Good luck charm:  Sharon
- Hair Color: What hair? LOL  it used to be dark brown (almost black)
- Happy: sometimes
- Holiday: Either Halloween or Christmas
- How do you want to die:  of old age in my bed
- Ice Cream:  I'll eat almost any flavor 
- Instrument: loaded question.LOL I played the trombone in the fifth grade 
- Jewelry: Rings
- Job: Accounting clerk for a department store and I hate it. 
- Journal much? : yep.
- Kids: not yet 
- Kickboxing or karate: neither
- K9 or Feline: K9

- Longest Car Ride: Chicago to Houston
- Love: Sharon, my dog, my family
- Letter: T
- Laughed so hard you cried: Watching Exit to Eden 
- Movies: Comedy, mystery, drama, sci fi
- Music: Any except Country and rap
- Motion sickness: Only in a car on long rides 
- McD’s or BK: Wendy’s or Dickie’s
- Number of Siblings: 2 older sisters one younger brother
- Number of Piercings:  none anymore 
- Number of Tattoos: None
- Number: 3
- One wish: To do the best I can with this life 
- Only the young:  Have a stress free life 
- Perfect Pizza: Reg crust with  sausage, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, green bell pepper, and red onion
- Quote: "Don't take life too seriously you'll never get out alive. "
- Reason to cry:  depressed 
- Reality TV: not a big fan 
- Radio Station: Mix 102.9
- Roll your tongue in a circle: no
- Song: there are so many
- Salad Dressing: thousand island 
- Sushi: don't do seafood 
- Skipped school: never I was a good boy
- Smoked: nope
- Skinny dipped: no
- Sing well: good lord no. 
- Showers: Yes, I don't like to be stinky 
- Swear: I've been known to.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: blueberries
- Time for bed: if I'm working it's 9 otherwise it's when I fall asleep
-Take time to: smell the roses
- Unpredictable: not really 
- Under my bed: dust
- Ugliest thing you own:  don't have anything ugly
- Vacation spot:  Europe 
- Vacuuming:  at least once a week
- Weakness:  food 
- Which friend acts like you: Sharon
- Worst feeling:  being mean
- Where do we go when we die:  to our own private paradise 
- Worst Weather:  snow and ice 
- X-Rays: dentist did them last year 
- Xerox any body parts?: No
-Yes, : Uh, okay
-Yellow:  not a fan of yellow
- Zoo animal: penguin
1. Slept in a bed beside you: Sharon
2. You went to the mall with: Aunt Lyn 
3. You went to dinner with: Aunt Lyn 
4. You talked to on the phone: Sharon
5. Made you laugh: Sharon
6. Hugged you: Sharon, Aunt Lyn 
7. Said they loved you: Sharon
8. You spoke with: Connie my co-worker
9. Made you mad: my dad
10. Made you cry: my dad, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me.

a-z meme

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