Mission 101 - third attempt

Jun 02, 2012 13:51

So for the third time I'm restarting this and this time I'll complete it. :) Some of the goals have already been started, it makes sense to keep the progress.

The Mission: Complete 101 present tasks in a period of 1001 days. The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part). Cross them off as you do them, and add the dates. Include the date you started the list and the finishing date.

Start date: June 2nd 2012
End date: February 28th 2015

Completed: 9
In Progress: 23

101 in 1001 related goals:
001) Come up with 101 new goals by the end of 1001 days (0/101)

Health and fitness:
002) Personal.
003) Cook at least 5 meals a week for 6 months (0/6).
004) Quit smoking (0/0).
005) Personal (6/6).
006) Visit the dentist.
007) Practice yoga 4 days a week for 8 weeks (0/8).
008) Take vitamins daily for 60 days (0/60).
009) Moisturise daily for 60 days (60/60).

010) Have a perfect day.
011) Have 50 items on my ‘Mighty life list’ (06/50).
012) Make a list of 101 things that make me happy (0/101).
013) Complete 50 questions that will free your mind (0/50).
014) Answer 365 thought provoking questions to ask yourself this year (0/365).

015) Be organised with my finances:
          Write a budget planner and stick to it.
          File receipts weekly for 12 months (0/12).
          Write down everything I spend for 12 months (0/12).
          Sort bills folder.
016) Pay off my overdrafts:
          Student overdraft (0/2000).
          Current Account overdraft (0/500).
017) Pay off all credit and store cards:
          NatWest credit card (70/500).
          New Look store card (90/130).
018) Do the ‘adult thing’ and save at least £1000 for emergencies (0/1000).
019) Save a pound for everyday of the year (1/365).

Charity and karma boosting:
020) Adopt an animal.
021) Complete 100 hours of voluntary work (100/100).
022) Volunteer for Oxfam.
023) Send Christmas shoeboxes:
024) Donate blood.
025) Become an organ donor.

026) Go to at least 10 dance shows (0/10).
027) Get back into dance in one way or another.
028) Sort all my dance notes from Winchester and decide what to do with them.

029) Run a marathon.
030) Visit every beach in Cornwall (0/158).
031) Learn to drive.
032) Go on the St. Ives ghost walk.
033) Plant a tree.
034) Climb Ben Nevis.
035) Race for life.
036) Go on vacation with the family.

Education and learning:
037) Take a TEFL course.
038) Finish my degree.
039) Learn French to an advanced level.
040) Learn the basics of sign language.
041) Choose something I know nothing about and read 4 books on the subject (0/4).
042) Retake my Maths G.C.S.E and get at least a C.
043) Retake my Science G.C.S.E and get at least a C.

044) Win Nano.
045) Win Julno.
046) Have a novel written and ready to be edited before I start my MA.
047) Write a collection of poetry (0/25).
048) Write a collection of short stories (0/25).
049) Write a second text transformation.
050) Write a film script.
051) Win a writing competition.
052) Try ‘waking papers’ for 30 days - write every morning before doing anything else (0/30).
053) Work on portfolio.
054) Create a website for music and creative writing.

Travels and culture:
055) Get a passport.
056) Live in France for a minimum of 1 month.
057) Start saving and planning for my travels.
058) Buy a map of the World and create a travel map.
059) Visit Berlin.
060) Visit Greece.
061) Visit Italy.
062) Save and plan for Japan.

063) Play at grade 6 on the violin.
064) Learn to play Seth Lakeman’s ‘Scrumpy’s Set’ on the fiddle.
065) Take piano lessons.
066) Re-teach myself guitar.
067) Buy a banjo.

Arts, crafts and photography:
068) Finish knitting 4 items (1/4).
069) Design an item of clothing and make from scratch.
070) Cosplay at LFCC.
071) Knit a Tom Baker scarf.
072) Complete and post four ADIML (0/4).
073) 365 photography project (0/365).
074) Photograph an object a day (0/365).
075) Saved
076) Saved
077) A Sketch a day (0/365).
078) Take a life drawing class.
079) Complete a sketchbook which has a running theme.
080) Try drawing in a different style.

081) Read the 100 greatest novels on the Guardian List (11/100).
082) Read the complete works of Shakespeare (0/42).
083) Watch the 250 greatest movies of all time as rated on imdb (24/250).
084) Watch all the TV shows on my Sidereel account (13/70).
085) Complete level 50 for at least one character on LotRO.

Projects and other:
086) Send and receive 101 postcards on Post Crossing (29/101).
087) Be prepared for a zombie apocalypse:
          Read ‘The Zombie Survival Guide’.
          Learn how to shoot a gun.
          Learn how to jump start a car.
          Have a survival plan decided.
          Learn first aid.
088) Try 100 different types of tea (03/100).
089) Submit to PostSecret.
090) Walk the Lord of the Rings walk.
091) Complete every song at expert on Guitar Hero.
092) Make an inspiration board.
093) Find a signature smile.

094) Get a tattoo.
095) Buy a new laptop.
096) Buy an NES.
097) Make a wardrobe list and buy everything on it.

Cooking, baking and all things food:
098) Cook 20 vegan/vegetarian recipes from different countries (0/20).
099) Start a vegan cakes and bakes book.
100) Own 10 cookbooks (not celebratory chiefs) (05/10).

101) Saved for 2013.

mission 101, mission 101: complete list

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