narcissus update, Monday 1/9/17

Jan 09, 2017 17:40

1) six narcissus (plus two peppers and a spider plant), Monday, 9 January 2017

All six of them are doing nicely. Four are now blooming -- in fact, both of narcissus A's flower clusters are open -- and I think even C and F will get in on the act over the next couple days.

(For reference, and because I don't believe I've ever mentioned this before, the 'saucers' I use with my terracotta pots are actually the lids of old takeout containers, courtesy of my long and delicious relationship with Jade Garden, a local Chinese restaurant. This is what 'reduce, reuse, recycle' look like in action, folks. *wry*)


2) narcissus A
3) narcissus B
4) narcissus C


2) narcissus D
3) narcissus E
4) narcissus F

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adventures in botany, narcissus project: take 2, photographic proof

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