pepper update, Monday 1/9/17

Jan 09, 2017 12:19

As with last week, there isn't much to report. I was able to confirm that the Lazarus pepper does still have one unopened (and really tiny and undeveloped) bud, but I'm not sure that means anything at this point. The decapitated pepper continues to ripen, and will probably be ready to pick sometime next week.

In other pepper news, today I am going to try buying new seeds at the grocery store, so as to be ready to start the next batch by March 1st. :D

(ETA: The spinner rack of seeds was not set up yet; apparently January is too early for gardening supplies. *sigh* I will try again around the start of February.)

1) two peppers, Monday, 7 January 2017


2) the Lazarus pepper (it DOES still have one bud... which you can't see, because it's so tiny)
3) the decapitated pepper, probably ready to pick next week

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adventures in botany, photographic proof, pepper project: 2016

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