1. Took (and passed) the exam for Tuesday's Not the IRS continuing education course, go me!
2. Brought old newspapers home from the rental office to use in a project I am doing that will become Mom's Christmas present (or maybe her birthday present; we'll see how labor-intensive it winds up being).
3. Contacted Landlord Dude Thursday night about my busted kitchen ceiling light. Let him in Friday morning to fix it.
4. Raked four bags of leaves from the back yard and driveway.
5. Addressed, illustrated, signed, and mailed five holiday cards (three friends, two family friends). I also put return address labels and stamps on the remaining envelopes, and will finish those cards over the next few days.
6. Bought Vicky's gift, yay!
7. Finalized arrangements for Aunt Cara's gift. (Vicky and I usually go halves on a present for her. It is generally simplest for Vicky to deal with the actual gift; I then pay her back for my share at Christmas itself.)
8. Finished another NY state continuing tax education module. They are so annoying. See, the modules are basically slideshows where you (the would-be tax preparer) click on a right-arrow to advance to each new slide. But a bunch of them have audio accompaniment, and you can't move on to the next slide until the audio file finishes, even if you mute it and just read the closed caption text popup window (which is what I do, because I retain written words a LOT better than I retain audio-only content).
9. Bought groceries.
10. Cut my fingernails and toenails.
11. Took my trash and compost to their respective outdoor bins.
12. Wrote thirteen
Three Sentence Ficathon fills. (Okay, technically two of those were on Tuesday, but whatever, I only mentioned one of them in my last 'stuff done' post so I am using this post to make an accurate count of my productivity thus far for the entire ficathon.)
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