stuff done: Saturday-Friday

Oct 14, 2016 22:22

I think from now on, work is going to become one of the background events I don't bother to mention. Just take it as read that I am working three days a week unless I specifically say otherwise. :)

Anyway, the list!

1. Drove down to NJ on Saturday to pick up Dottie for another stint of dogsitting. Drove back on Sunday with the dog in tow. This time I remembered to bring Aunt Cara's present with me -- Mom had it sent to my apartment when she pre-ordered it, because the shipping date overlapped with one of their summer trips.

I have been feeding Dottie twice a day, walking her twice a day, and piddling her in the afternoon except on Tuesday when Upstairs Neighbor E took care of that for me so I didn't lose my lunch break at work.

2. Did laundry while in NJ.

3. Had coffee (actually tea, in my case) with Susan at noon on Sunday, after which we headed a few doors west to the pottery studio where I bought the two pots I made in September.

4. Took a bag of garbage out to my garbage bin (but did not take the bin to the curb for pickup, because it's still only half-full). I did take the recycling bins to the curb because it was the right week for that. They were oddly empty -- I only had to move three out of the the five we keep on the porch. Mysteriously, one of them was full again by Monday evening, which presumably means that either Upstairs Neighbor E & family or Diagonal Neighbors I-don't-remember-their-names forgot to bring their recycling downstairs on Sunday.

5. Swapped two shifts with MZ, the other part-time office staff member, so I will be able to attend Not the IRS training sessions on the days in question.

6. Rescheduled my dentist appointment a second time, because it was on one of the days I had just swapped with MZ.

7. Photographed my peppers and caught up on posting said pictures to both Tumblr and Dreamwidth.

8. Scheduled a blood donation appointment for Thursday. Then had to cancel it when I woke up with the beginning stages of a cold Thursday morning, blargh. The cold has not properly set in as of Friday night, but it doesn't seem to be going away either. I have scheduled a new donation appointment for Tuesday the 25th (which would normally be a work day, but it's one of the two I swapped with MZ because of the training session, so).

9. Wrote 600 words of original faux-autobiographical fiction as a meme response. Yay writing!

10. Cut my fingernails and toenails.

11. Baked brownies. (FYI, this process has gone much faster and smoother since I remembered the proper order of operations is to mix all the wet ingredients together and then add the dry ingredients into that, rather than vice versa. *headdesk*) I have also left a note in the entry room telling Upstairs Neighbor E to please take some in return for piddling Dottie on Saturday afternoon.

12. Made Laddie's hotdish, since I already had the oven heated to the correct temperature. Logistics! Occasionally I am on top of them!

...Except also kind of not, because I managed to burn my first batch of browned crumbs utterly beyond repair. See, I was heating them (gently!) on the stove and figured they would be okay for a minute while I opened and drained the can of tuna. But the can did not drain nicely -- it kept trying to leak actual tuna around the edges instead of just fluid -- and I got so caught up in fighting it that I straight-up forgot about the crumbs in the frying pan until I smelled the smoke. *headdesks again* So I filled one bay of my sink with a thin layer of cold water to cool down the pan and its contents, after which I dumped them into my compost container, and started heating a new batch of crumbs while I mixed the wet casserole ingredients together and ripped up two more steak rolls for the non-crispy crumbs that get mixed in with the tuna, the condensed chicken noodle soup, and the two eggs.

It came out fine in the end. :)

13. Took compost out to the compost bin in the back yard.

14. Mixed a new batch of dental hygiene water for Dottie after the old one ran out today. I also made several new meal additive containers, by combining little blobs of frozen wet food with some of the pre-cooked vegetables Mom also sent along. At the moment, I am two containers short of what I will need to use before my parents pick Dottie up next Friday. I have a whole bunch more wet food blobs (Mom packed them in a large Tupperware, in layers separated by wax paper) but I ran out of pre-cooked vegetables. So I think I will buy a bigger yellow squash than usual when I go grocery shopping tomorrow evening (I have made a list) and use a few slices as Dottie-food instead of putting the whole thing into a batch of veggie sidedish.

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adventures in dogsitting, work: not the irs, medical, travel, everyday life, housing, liz attempts to cook, work: monopoly houses

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