Stuff done so far today:
1. Started a batch of veggie sidedish, which should be done around 10pm. I also hardboiled some eggs.
2. Volunteered for the church recycling sale. I am a little unclear what I will actually be doing, as the response got mangled by the coordinator's iPhone autocorrect -- it says, and I quote, "How about Saturday and housewares 830 to 11 or 11 to 2 or him and Sunday we could use some help monocot cashiering and Monday 10 to 2" -- but I will show up to work housewares tomorrow morning and hopefully get clarifications about the rest in person.
3. Started the application process for Not the IRS 2017 tax season... by which I mean I determined that the application website now supports Chrome (yay!) and put the three relevant positions into my job cart to deal with tomorrow.
4. Attempted a new method to combat depression-induced inertia and executive dysfunction, namely, in the morning I will text Vicky one or two things I want to do that day -- specific tasks, with clear endpoints -- and she will text me once or twice later on to remind me and/or ask if I've finished yet. I think this will be helpful, and may improve my productivity on other tasks as well because it's a lot easier to keep going after I get in a groove of doing stuff than it is to get started on that first task.
5. Cleared out the backlog of old reviews/comments I'd been avoiding because they required actual thoughtful responses.
6. Read and reviewed another Ladystuck Remix fic. This leaves me with three to go in the main collection, plus three in the treats collection (and the originals that inspired them). They're all really good stories, but there's a difference between reading just for the hell of it and reading with the intention of leaving a comment that says more than just, "Hey, I liked this."
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