My parents, my sister, and my aunt will descend upon my apartment on Tuesday afternoon/evening. I will be at work at the time, and we will all meet up at a restaurant for dinner, but even so. I would like the place to look decent!
(Also I need to clear a bunch of stuff from the kitchen so we can extend the table for dinner on Wednesday and Thanksgiving itself. I am not quite sure where I'm going to move my houseplants.)
I got a little of that process done today: thoroughly cleaned the bathroom including spraying anti-mildew gunk on the ceiling (and am still picking at some of the ancient limescale deposits with vinegar), repotted a couple plants to get them off the kitchen table, finally got rid of the air conditioner packaging that's been living under my semi-reclining chair for three years, moved my to-read book stacks to temporary shelving, made room in a cupboard for my crockpot and thereby freed some counter space, dusted a couple things, cleaned and stacked several now-empty pepper pots, paid my bills and thereby got that paperwork off my coffee table, etc. But I still have a lot more junk to move and things to clean, and only two days in which to do the work.
I probably would have gotten more of my to-do list dealt with except I had a church potluck this evening, so I spent a fair bit of time pulling together a batch of cheesy potato hotdish (I think I overdid the onion a bit, whoops!) and then, you know, actually being at the potluck. Which was nice. I wouldn't want to go to dinner parties every night, but they're a warm/pleasant thing in moderation, and probably good practice for the intense family socializing that will shortly be upon me.
I should go to bed now so I have lots of energy tomorrow.
I suspect this is not going to happen for at least another hour. *sigh*
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