everyday life stuff

Nov 14, 2015 16:46

My parents came up on Thursday. We did lunch, then they took Dottie home. About halfway through lunch Mom was running through Thanksgiving logistics and realized that if Vicky was renting a Zipcar to drive up from DC, she'd probably want to avoid putting extra miles on it, and we WILL need two cars for vineyard touring on Wednesday (because I'll have to cut out early and go to work), and she and Dad don't want the bother of driving two cars up from NJ and we still aren't sure if Aunt Cara is coming at all, so... why, exactly, were they taking the Camry home with them now when they'd want it up here in two weeks?

And so I have a car for an extra two weeks.

I mean, I'm not complaining, but I had said more or less the same thing to Mom as far back as August so I'm not sure why it took until NOW for the thought to sink in. *shrug* Brains are weird, I guess.

It's been a little strange adjusting to not having Dottie around. I keep waking at 7:30ish (which is when I give her breakfast) even though I don't need to, and then when I do get up later, I keep thinking I'm forgetting something until I realize that no, I don't need to walk the dog because there is no dog. Ah well, this too shall pass.

This afternoon I raked a bunch of leaves -- six yard-waste bags full, and four more piles that I decided to bag tomorrow. In about ten minutes I will walk into town for my church's annual Service Auction, for which I've agreed to do both dinner cleanup and after-auction cleanup. (This is a good way to bag free leftovers, FYI. Also I hope the work will keep me too busy to bid on anything, though I may succumb to temptation and get a bidder number despite knowing better. *sigh*)

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adventures in dogsitting, family, housing, everyday life, ithaca local, unitarian universalist

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