Ithaca is gorges, all right

May 12, 2015 17:29

So I was out walking Dottie at a quarter to five and suddenly a helicopter came flying overhead as we moseyed along Fall Creek. Then it came back the other direction. Then it hovered on the far side of Rt. 13, just sat there in the sky wobbling a little as it veeeeerrrrrrrryyyyy ssssllllloooowwwlllyyyy inched to the north.

After a few minutes, it occurred to me that they were probably looking for a dead body in the creek. :-(

And lo and behold, when I checked the news upon returning home, that is indeed what was going on. Around 12:30pm, a police officer and a couple Cornell employees saw an unidentified man jump off the Stewart Ave. bridge, whereupon the water promptly swept him over Ithaca Falls. It's been raining a lot the past couple days. The creek is in full flood. No one thinks the dude survived; it's just a body recovery at this point.


Ithaca doesn't actually have a particularly high suicide rate. It's just that a lot of our successful suicides are really dramatic. :-(

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