wherein Liz does ALL THE THINGS

Dec 18, 2013 20:33

What I have already done today:

1. Buy wrist braces (because of carpal tunnel symptoms, oh joy)
2. Return a library book
3. Buy Xmas gift for Mom
4. Buy Xmas gifts for Vicky, Dad, and Susan
5. Buy holiday cards
6. Write, stamp, and seal half of holiday cards
7. Pass minimum wordcount on Yuletide fic
8. Start yet another area of research for Yuletide fic

What I still need to do:

1. Verify address for one card recipient
2. Finish remaining cards
3. Find boxes for Xmas gifts
4. Possibly wrap Xmas gifts (though maybe not until Friday)
5. Cook a lot of stuff
6. Make bed
7. Put away old laundry so I can wash more laundry tomorrow
8. Write another few hundred words on Yuletide fic


I think I will go start cooking now. At least when I finish that I'll have something delicious to eat for dinner. I cannot eat wrapping paper or stamps.

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food, yuletide 2013, yuletide, friends, writing, family, everyday life

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