I opened "The Body Politic" last night and wrote a bit more, until I hit a snag where Astrin needs to pose a riddle to Rork, answer it himself, and give the stricture. This, alas, requires me to write the riddle, the answer, and the stricture, and McKillip's riddles are trickier than they seem at a casual glance -- at least for me. My mind does not naturally follow those paths.
Also, Astrin keeps insisting that there is no reason for him to talk about sexual orientations with Rork, and I am having a hard time persuading him otherwise. I think, in all honesty, he may be right -- at least for the moment -- and I can break the tension by having Morgon and Raederle arrive unexpectedly at Caerweddin. The explanation will probably work better later on, after plot has occurred. It seems to want to be a climactic moment. *sigh*
In other news, both the movie and the book I require for Yuletide arrived today -- hurrah! I will probably reread the book Thursday during lunch and after work, and watch the movie on Friday. Then I will see what story ideas come to mind, because I have (realistically speaking) only two weeks to write a thousand words of whatever.
It is very odd to realize that in less than three weeks, I will be on an airplane to Spain. I haven't been out of the USA since 1999 -- I am out of practice at trans-oceanic travel!
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