will write for food... ;-)

Jan 24, 2007 20:49

On a completely different subject from my last post:

I am at a computer lab and will probably be here for a while. And people seem to be doing drabble/ficlet memes right and left this past week, and I've always wanted to try one of those, and I don't feel like working on any of my WIPs right now, so...

Hand me a prompt (some characters, a situation, please not too vague, and also please no sex since it takes me way too long to write sex scenes and I almost always end up skimming anyway) and I will write you a ficlet. You can try any fandom for which I am familiar with the source material, or any of my own stories. If I can't write your prompt for any reason, you can select a new one.

First five people get ficlets.

*is curious whether anyone will take up the offer*


1. for socchan, Give and Take, one of Yukiko's genin missions

2. for bewize, Making a Big Scene, Kira and Setsuna in a fight

3. for askerian, Blood Is Thinner, Draco's relatives react to his relationship with Harry and Ginny

4. for yuenoclow, Pilgrim's Passage, Mercverse, Cloud's first meeting with a Cetra

5. for anonymous, How Team Seven Got Their Summon Animals, Team 7, a D-rank mission gone horribly wrong, and the phrase 'exploding frogs'

I will post links as I finish the ficlets.

fic: naruto, fic: harry potter, fandom: harry potter, -the way of the apartment manager, fic: angel sanctuary, misc fanfic, giftfic, fandom: final fantasy 7, fandom: angel sanctuary, mercverse, fandom: naruto, -fixation and other stories, fic: final fantasy 7, fic

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