This is part 5 of
An Ounce of Prevention, which is a Naruto/Harry Potter crossover that I started as a giftfic for
Technically, it's an insertion of one element of HP into the Naruto world, but that does count as a crossover of sorts, and the HP element will be playing a larger role as time goes on. This story will not affect canon in either
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Other stories have longer chapters. "Lemonade," for instance, averages about 2,100 words per chapter; "Guardian" averages 3,900-4,200 words; and "Secrets" averages 9,000-10,000 words. It all depends on the length I start out with.
I know short chapters can be irritating -- believe me, I know! -- but my annoyance at short chapters is vastly outweighed by my potential twitchiness if I threw my averages out the window and lengthened the scenes.
(I'm not really obsessive-compulsive. I just look like I am. *grin*)
Re: Uplift -- Oh, the holes are quite minor, all things considered, and the books drew me in pretty completely despite my quibbles. The quibbles only keep me from recommending the books without reservation. I will keep those other books in mind, though, especially the one by PTerry. :-)
Oh, yes, particularly since the holes sound like they might be closed later on -- the sort of thing which one might leave for an anthology or the like. (Since it focuses on the human race, there just might not have been the right place to go into detail about how the first sentient race started out.)
::laughs:: I'm hoping to make it to a particular SF/F con this year to get his autograph. (Not giving details, as it would sorta peg where I live.) But H. Beam Piper's well worth reading -- he's one of those forgotten authors who wrote lots of high-quality SF which, aside from scientific progress, holds up well. (Unlike Doc Smith, who's a product of his era.)
...if you want more recs, poke me at my LJ and remind me that I really ought to post that sort of thing every so often in the name of doing something useful with my addiction to the written word.
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