leases & renewals, library books, and some prep for Chicago

Nov 22, 2021 21:49

Things about today:

1. We have finally triumphed over the never-ending stack of Collegetown lease folders! I mean, at least for now. There are still leases pending, and apartments yet to be rented, but the stack (multiple feet high, seriously) is all processed and filed. \o/

2. We have a couple downtown leases pending as well -- one from the Friday tour I felt positive about, and one from a tenant of one of the apartments I showed on that tour, who suddenly realized that oh hey, we actually meant it when we said we'd rent their apartment if they didn't renew or make a hold request. *wry* I find that tours do wonders for concentrating some people's minds.

Look, we do not want to rent apartments out from under people! We send around a "Hey, what are your plans for next year? Your options are to renew, hold until [designated time], switch, or not to renew; please reply and let us know!" email, and then a couple weeks after that we send around a, "You said you weren't renewing and/or you didn't respond, so here is our official notice that we are not renewing your lease and have placed your apartment on the market for next year" email. Then everyone gets a legally mandated lease end notification email sometime in mid-to-late February, because there's a 90-day minimum notification requirement.

I think Collegetown does two rounds of "Here are your options" emails rather than one, but because downtown has a slower and more extended rental season, it's more practical to send an individual email to a tenant when we get a serious inquiry for their apartment, to the effect of, "We have a person who wants to rent your apartment. This is your final chance to renew or place your apartment on hold until [designated time]; otherwise we're renting the unit to this new person."

But despite our best efforts, every year we get one or two tenants who come in around April or May wanting to renew their apartment when we rented it in December. And they're like, "OMG, how could you!" and we're like, "Did you not read ANY of our emails? We sent you multiple emails about this." *headdesk* We try to be accommodating, but that's always a logistical nightmare.

3. Checked out three nonfiction library books on interesting topics. I went in intending to borrow one, but then made the (possibly foolish?) choice to browse through the new acquisition nonfiction shelves and found two other books I want to read.

4. Ate my second cheeseburger. :)

5. Watered my plants in preparation for my Thanksgiving trip to Chicago.

6. Chose a birthday card for Aunt Cara.

7. Began folding/putting away the rest of Sunday's laundry.

8. Began packing for Chicago. :) If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

everyday life, work: monopoly houses, reading

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