sometimes I draw maps in MS Paint, sometimes I visit apartments hoping not to find dead bodies

Nov 18, 2021 22:42

Things about today:

1. I worked 10am-6pm instead of 9am-5pm, because Mr. Geniality is out for the week (his friend got free tickets to Vegas and he needed to use up some vacation days) and I wanted to make sure someone was in the office in case a tenant came in between 5 and 6pm. In the event, one person did came in to pay some back rent, so yay for foresight. *wry*

2. I kind of want to brag about the building floorplans I've been working on, but I like to keep at least a gauzy veil over the details of my job, such as the rental company's name, and showing you the diagrams would break that illusion. But anyway, I finished the key plan for the second floor of [building name redacted], and am about... 2/3 done with the key plan for the third floor of that same building? (The third floor is smaller and also I have a better feel for how I'm solving certain visual clutter issues.)

We have three buildings that don't need a key plan because they only have one apartment per floor, and I basically did all this for another building last year as part of my project to generate individual apartment floor plans, so then it's... hmm... 1) the smallish building that I can probably reconstruct from mini-diagrams that exist elsewhere, 2) the building in which our office is located (frustrating because each of the four floors is unique), and then 3) the building for which I flat out don't have ANY floor plans for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floors, argh. Spelunking through our storage closet full of old architectural blueprints to find something I can use to construct floor plans and key plans for that building remains on my long-term project list. *sigh*

3. When I went out to grab lunch for myself and Ms. Random Numbers, I performed a wellness check on an elderly long-term tenant who has fallen behind on rent and stopped responding to our phone calls and emails. They were not in their apartment and I didn't see them in the common areas of the building, but their jacket/coat was in the apartment, so... a mystery. We are trying to track them down and see if they're okay, because they have health issues and this is worrying. :(

4. Cat, Susan, and I have scheduled a Zoom call for Sunday afternoon. \o/

5. Mom and I intend to simultaneously get new phones sometime between now and New Year. Details are still very much up in the air, but that's the plan. As with the last time we upgraded our phones, we'll probably get the same model. And as with the last time, I am going to buy the smallest phone that is still a smartphone, because I cannot be having with a phone that doesn't physically fit in one of my hands. (I do not have particularly large hands.)

6. I performed surgery on several pairs of earrings, which now have better hooks. I really need to buy a better set of pliers, since earring tweaks look set to become an ongoing part of my life. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

computers, friends, family, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, how is this my life

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