I think I mentioned this a while back, but anyway, I have an actual vacation this year! \o/
It's a little weird, logistically, for two reasons. First, because of what Covid-19 has done to the airline industry, Delta chopped their daily flight schedule to and from Ithaca. That meant I would have either had to take an extra day off work or effectively lose a day of vacation due to weird flight schedules, neither of which is a great option.
Second, because I am tacking my friend Susan's wedding and related Events on to the end of my vacation.
So it wound up making more sense for me to drive to NJ Monday evening after work, fly from Newark to the Twin Cities, and then fly back for three days of wedding, etc., in NJ.
I also have a bunch more stuff to pack than usual, though obviously I will be leaving all the wedding-related clothes and supplies in my parents' house while I'm in Minnesota.
Relatedly, I am trying to get through a number of Tasks before I depart. Thus far, I have stopped my mail, set up a bunch of instructions for my coworkers to guide them through stuff I usually handle, paid my rent, paid my health insurance bill, pulled together some snacks, and made my various packing lists. I am also working to use up perishables so my fridge won't be a horrorshow when I return home.
Tomorrow I need to buttonhole one of my neighbors and ask them to water my plants while I'm gone, do laundry, and go vote early for my local primary election, as well as, you know, actually pulling down my suitcase and packing 90% of my stuff.
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