Things I wanted to get done today at work: MANY
Things I actually got done: MANY, but, and this is important, NOT NECESSARILY THE ONES I MEANT TO DO
Events have a way of disrupting plans, you know?
Ah well, I created the move-in and inspection form tracking sheets that Ms. Random Numbers and Ms. Busywork wanted, wrote and sent three leases (and wrote-but-didn't-send a fourth, because that's waiting on some additional information), answered various inquiries, showed two groups around some apartments, signed out some keys, entered some work orders, and prodded someone into signing a lease they'd been dithering over. (Turns out, saying (truthfully!) that you have another applicant and are going to send them a lease in an hour unless Person A actually signs the lease they've been sitting on for two days often produces results -- either, "Oh whoops, sorry, here's the lease and payment!" or "Actually I found another place." I don't particularly care which; I just want the apartment out of limbo, you know?)
I also generated a bunch of work for our new temp to deal with on Monday, so she's not sitting around with nothing to do and going home early. Annnnnnd I kind of left a bunch of stuff on Mr. Geniality's chair for him to deal with on Monday, but he and I each "own" some key spreadsheets and for the sake of clarity we don't mess with each other's workflow in those areas. (Other spreadsheets are joint and we both muck around in them, but in some cases it saves a lot of trouble if someone is designated The One Who Maintains Spreadsheet X, so nothing gets missed or double-entered or whatever.) Also I don't do downtown landlord reference checks from the Collegetown office, because that's just asking for confusion, so that's all on him for a couple days. (I did my part and sent an email, but the landlord has not responded so the next step is a phone call.)
In non-work news, I am gradually crossposting all my Three Sentence Ficathon fills to AO3. The slow pace is partly because I'm trying not to flood anybody's inbox, but also because I don't usually feel up to posting more than a couple-three per day.
And now I am heading to bed, because it was beastly hot today, I'm tired, and my feet hurt.
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