this and that

Nov 08, 2020 22:40

Things I have done today:

1. Long phone chat with Susan from noon to not-quite-2pm. It was good to catch up!

2. Changed linens. Also rotated my mattress, which I think will help my sleep quality. I try to do that every time I swap my summer blankets for my comforter and vice versa, but I forgot to do that in October and the dents in the mattress were getting uncomfy.

3. Laundry. Ugh.

4. Swept leaves off my back porch/deck thingy and checked on my container garden.

5. Cooked salmon and broccoli for dinner. Yum. :D

6. Downloaded the free version of Lightworks and watched several tutorial videos. I still don't feel ready to mess around with anything complicated myself, but I think I can get to "make a basic video from three or four clips" by the end of the week.

7. Some church Board of Trustees stuff.

8. Kept compulsively checking news sites. I don't even know why! I think it's kind of a rebound from determinedly avoiding the news from Tuesday through Saturday morning, and being on a very news-light pattern since... hmm... April-ish? That is, I'd read local news in my local paper, but avoid national stuff as much as possible. And now I think I'm bingeing a little in reaction.

It's like the bends, but metaphorical, you know?


Anyway, I'm going to read fanfic for about twenty minutes and then go sleep on my newly rotated mattress. :) If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

computers, friends, liz's adventures in video editing, politics, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, liz attempts to cook

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