wherein Liz complains about writing

Nov 07, 2020 22:31

I'm trying to write a hurt/comfort ficlet with the hurt being hypothermia.

I've got the hurt part down. I am not having any trouble whatsoever with the hurt.

The comfort part, though.



I think either I will have to deus ex machina myself a shortcut, or this is going to grow into a proper short story rather than a ficlet. Blargh. Why do I write myself into corners like this?

(Because I live for worldbuilding and character interactions, obviously, but shhh, allow me to pretend these are unforeseen woes rained down upon me from vague and mysterious external sources, okay? Okay. Good.) If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

grrr argh, writing, mini-ficlet prompt meme

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