daily update, Tuesday June 9

Jun 09, 2020 22:58

One of the things on my to-do list for today was to call my dentist and ask if I could reschedule my cancelled May appointment now that New York has allowed dentists to reopen for more than just emergency procedures.

Turns out, I didn't have to call -- they called me first.

My options were to pick one of three time slots for Wednesday, or wait until mid-July. I went with Wednesday, and now have an appointment scheduled for 10:30am. There will be some logistical complications due to Covid-19 precautions, but I think everything should go well.


Also on today's to-do list were laundry and baking brownies, since I was so drained by the time I got home Monday evening that I couldn't face doing anything that required even a sliver of physical or mental effort. I am pleased to report that I finished both tasks! I also attended FUSIT's monthly Board of Trustees meeting this evening, which I think went pretty well, called my mom to catch up on life, had a couple nice conversations with Downstairs Neighbor S that I managed to gracefully cut off both times before I overloaded on social interaction or expired from heat stroke (we were on the front porch and it was like 92 degrees Fahrenheit, ugh), petted a really sweet dog at the laundromat while her owner was outside taking a smoke break, and futzed in my garden for ~10 minutes.

My plan to spend 5 or 10 minutes futzing with my garden each day is going pretty well so far. It makes me feel productive without inducing any guilt or avoidance over big unfinished tasks, because obviously you can't finish anything big in only 5 or 10 minutes, but you can do a little bit here and there and that adds up over time. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

medical, neighbors, weather, adventures in botany, everyday life, unitarian universalist

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