wherein Liz attempts to untangle financial fuck-ups

Feb 24, 2020 09:40

I think I mentioned a while back that I'd attempted to set up online payments for my health insurance, and made a payment on February 10, right? Anyway, there have been Issues around that payment: namely, that the money has still not been withdrawn from my bank account.

On the 18th, I contacted my insurance company (via their helpful online form) to say, politely, something to the effect of, "Hey, I made this payment and it doesn't look like it's gone through. What the heck?" They wrote back to the effect of, "Everything looks good on our end. Talk to your bank."

So I wrote to my bank, who wrote back to say, more or less, "We have no record whatsoever of this transaction. Can you get a trace number from the insurance company so we can try to figure out what the heck?"

So I wrote to the insurance company again, and they just wrote back to tell me, "Yeah, turns out all electronic payments people made to us on February 10 had processing issues. Who knew! Anyway, it's not you, it's us, and we'll let you know when we figure out what the heck."

Which on the one hand is reassuring since I figure that I have clearly done MY part to get my payment in on time so they can't legally ding me for THEIR fuck-up. But on the other hand, what the heck kind of company are they running over there?!

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financial stuff, everyday life, how is this my life

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