daily update, Sunday Feb. 23

Feb 23, 2020 23:22

Things done today:

1. Slept in decadently late -- as in, until nearly 11am -- and it was glorious. :D

2. Cut my toenails, which were getting to the point where they start poking holes in my socks, ugh.

3. Made instant oatmeal for breakfast, because I could and because it's delicious. (I do not usually have quite enough time on days when I need to be at work by 9am. Oatmeal is a food to savor, particularly when augmented with craisins and brown sugar, whereas my usual breakfast is more utilitarian.)

4. Not the IRS 2-4pm. I had a client!

5. Picked up my Celexa prescription renewal.

6. Bought a few groceries and updated my list for my main grocery run on Tuesday or Wednesday.

7. Steamed broccoli -- apparently my broccoli kick continues.

8. Took kitchen compost out to the communal bin.

9. Took recycling out to the curb for pickup.

10. Finally finished folding and putting away the clean laundry from last Sunday.

11. Called my parents to catch up and chat, since I realized I hadn't done that in a while.

12. Listened to two more episodes of The Magnus Archives.

13. Listened to three chapters of my current Great Courses lecture series.

Did I write anything? Nope. Did I read anything other than some fanfic? Not particularly. Was it a good and productive day nonetheless? I think so. :)

And now I shall go to bed.

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