end of day update, Wednesday Feb. 12

Feb 12, 2020 23:07

Things done since my previous post:

1. Bought a ticket to a chamber music concert this Sunday afternoon, because dammit, I deserve nice things!

2. Started reading chapter 2 of A Fistful of Shells.

3. Put that down and started reading The Clockwork Boys instead, because weirdly Not the IRS doesn't block Amazon.com at all, despite blocking things like my Gmail account and my fucking local library's internal catalog search page and hold functions. I will never understand their priorities.

4. Wrote ~200 words of the untitled Narnia bridge fic.

Oh! And on the writing front, I should perhaps mention that I made my February wordcount goal as of yesterday, thanks mostly to the Three Sentence Ficathon. \o/

5. We closed up at just past 8pm on account of no late appointments, so I went over to Tops and bought the groceries I didn't get around to yesterday. (Not having a car does limit the amount of stuff I can physically carry in one trip, you know?) This was basically four items: hard cider, a 12-pack case of Coke, butter, and a 3-pack of Puffs non-lotion tissues.

Now I think I will post my latest set of Three Sentence Ficathon fills and then go to bed, because sleep is both important and delicious. :)

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work: not the irs, everyday life, reading, music

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