a list of completed tasks

Nov 24, 2019 18:01

Things done today:

1. Bought more yard waste bags and another sheet of yard waste tags.

2. Raked three more bags of leaves and stickered them all for pick-up.

3. Phone call with Susan, 1:15pm.

4. Phone call with Nick, 3:30pm.

5. Changed linens.

6. Started laundry.

7. Agreed to a phone call with Cat this evening (assuming she still feels up to human contact when she gets out of work).

8. Took kitchen compost to the shared bin in the back yard.

9. Read some stuff.

10. Listened to some stuff.

11. Tentatively agreed to attend a house/neighborhood holiday potluck in December, pending family scheduling confirmation.

So that's kind of where I'm at at the moment. *wry*

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neighbors, friends, family, housing, everyday life

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