home for the holiday (plus a winter solstice service report)

Dec 23, 2018 00:14

I staffed the rental office from about 9:45am to 2:15pm (so, got in a bit early, left a bit late). It was very slow, though I did retrieve a lost passport for a tenant and get it mailed off with the shipping label they bought and emailed to me. After I closed the office, I bought gas, tidied my apartment, watered my houseplants, packed the car, and drove down to New Jersey. The drive went smoothly, though I wound up playing leapfrog with two separate SUVs whose drivers could not maintain a consistent speed to save their lives. I also had to stop briefly on NY 96-B between Ithaca and Owego to let four deer cross the road.

I am most of the way through doing my laundry, and should be able to get to bed by 12:30ish. Which is later than I really wanted to stay up, but eh, stuff happens.

Tomorrow my general plan is to write stuff -- fix up my Yuletide assignment, maybe write a treat or two, maybe write a couple three-sentence ficlets. We'll see how it goes. :)

I may also help my dad wrap some presents, and I need to text Cat and Susan to see about arranging visits and the annual family cookie exchanges. Beyond that, I'm playing things by ear.


On Friday, I closed the office at 6:15pm instead of 7pm (it was totally dead; this was not a problem) and went to my congregation's annual winter solstice service. I always like to get to that when possible. It felt a little weird to being doing a "dark and cold of the year" sort of thing in the middle of a thunderstorm, but I guess that's climate change for you. *sigh*

Also we finished by singing "Deck the Halls," and our pianist for the night insisted on playing it nearly at the tempo of a dirge. It's supposed to be fast! Bright! Joyful! An invocation of life in the face of gloom, not giving in to the gloom! So that was frustrating. But my feelings on holiday carols aside, it was a good service and I'm glad I went. :)

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travel, weather, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, unitarian universalist

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