this, that, and the other thing

Dec 03, 2018 21:43

1. Surprising precisely nobody, Tumblr is imploding in a rhymed echo of LiveJournal's self-immolation. Ah well, it was interesting (and full of many pretty pictures and gifsets) while it lasted.

2. I got some holiday gift ordering dealt with today. I need to talk some other things over with Vicky tomorrow or Wednesday, and I still need to bug Cat and Susan about what they'd like.

3. Today I had to sit through a one-hour mandatory annual sexual harassment prevention education program at my rental office job. Blargh. I mean, it's important! But the method is not geared to endear the process to anyone. *sigh*

4. In other work news, I got my end of year bonus check, which is nice. :)

5. Tomorrow is a day of All The Errands. Wednesday is then a day of All The Cleaning, because Friday is my little dinky December college graduation ceremony, and my parents are coming to Ithaca to attend. I would like my mom not to give me the disappointed face over the state of my apartment. *wry*

And that's pretty much it, because I am going to bed so as to be well-rested for my Errand Quest in the morning.

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college, fandom, computers, family, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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