various thoughts about various topics

Oct 12, 2018 20:51

Things and stuff:

1. I decided not to try getting a haircut on September 29th because that weekend was Apple Harvest Festival and just no. Last weekend my hair place was tragically closed. But! I called this morning to check, and my hair guy promised to be in at 9:00am tomorrow morning, so I will finally get rid of this infernally annoying shagginess around my temples and on the back of my neck! \o/

2. Prof. G gave the Spanish class amnesty on assignments over fall break, so they were all collectively due on Tuesday instead of on their original due dates. Which was good, because there were a bunch of partner dialogues and M (my partner) and I can only meet online to record them around 9:30pm, which is kind of awkward and means we're both a little punch-drunk tired while trying to think in another language. *wry* Anyway, I am now one day ahead on my assignments, and am slowly attempting to increase that to two or three days of padding... which will be super-useful for future partner dialogues since I'll be able to schedule them with M in advance.

3. My government class continues to be the easiest goddamn thing I have done in well over a decade. It's basically, read one 20- to 25-page chapter a week, take the world's most ridiculously easy 10-question multiple choice quiz, make three posts in the weekly discussion thread, and every fourth week write the world's dinkiest essay. I could have aced this course when I was freaking eight years old. *pauses* *considers* Well, no, I had no work ethic when I was eight. And probably not when I was ten, either, since my fourth grade teacher managed to destroy the fragile work ethic I'd been starting to scrape together under Mrs Skrypa's gentle guidance. But when I was nine, yeah, I would've eaten this class for breakfast.

4. I need to sign up for Yuletide, but that requires a good few hours sorting through the tagset and pondering prompts and offers, which I don't have the spoons for right now. Perhaps tomorrow night, perhaps Sunday. We'll see.

5. Proper autumn weather at last!!!

6. Still not done with my first solo rental office counter display (which is two maple trees with colorful autumn foliage, for those who don't follow me on Tumblr, where I posted a draft photo on Monday). I put up an additional branch yesterday, and finished cutting out the additional 45 leaves today, but I still need to tape all the new leaves onto the trees. I will definitely get that done tomorrow though.

7. I kind of miss being involved in RE, but I am so glad I'm not trying to facilitate the youth group this year. There is no way on earth I would have the time or the energy. Maybe next fall I'll volunteer for a younger age group again. I always did like the K-2 age range. :)

8. Mom is coming to visit Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The plan is to A) remove my AC from the front window, B) drop off some Halloween candy for my inevitable deluge of trick-or-treaters, C) eat dinner out, D) eat breakfast out, E) talk and hang out, and F) pack the unfortunately unsuitable gift chair in Mom's car for transport to NJ.

(Chair backstory: I had a violently purple computer chair that I nabbed from an apartment trash room back in... 2005, I think? which had long since worn out and desperately needed replacing. So Mom and Dad bought me a new chair last year, but because they were working sight unseen, the chair they purchased ended up not working for me for various reasons. I have since acquired a new chair that does work -- by nabbing it from the verge of a house several blocks down the street (this is perfectly reasonable! leaving stuff out on the verge is the Ithaca way of telling people to take it if they want it! it's like a city-wide unofficial free garage sale!) and then giving it a thorough vacuum and scrub to remove absurd amounts of cat hair -- so it's not as if this will leave me chairless. And hopefully the chair will turn out to be useful for Mom, who could probably use a replacement for her own computer chair.)

9. Someday I will figure out why people traveling (and often on various forms of public/communal transportation) is such a common recurring theme in my dreams. I mean, I know why the "lost my map," "lost my ticket," "lost my passport," "got delayed by traffic jam," "bus stop was moved," etc. elements are common -- those are hallmarks of frustration and/or stress -- but I don't know why travel is the medium through which that frustration expresses itself most often. And I tend to have travel elements in all my other kinds of dreams, too. In fact, I'm now trying to think of dreams that didn't have a travel element, and I'm having a hard time coming up with any. Even the ones that exist mostly in one setting tend to have travel in the backstory.

Which is really weird because I'm a homebody. *hands* Brains man. Brains are weird.

(This last item brought to you by the two dreams about trains and the one very long dream about airports/airplanes I had last night.)

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family, college, dreams, yuletide, yuletide 2018, everyday life, unitarian universalist, work: monopoly houses

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