stuff done: Friday-Sunday

Jul 03, 2017 00:01

1. Finished unpacking and put my empty luggage away.

2. Scheduled calls with Cat and Susan.

3. Called Vicky to chat about writing and general life stuff. There may be project news at some point in the future... *mysterious smile*

4. Bought groceries.

5. Boiled eight eggs.

6. Watered my houseplants.

7. Took kitchen compost to communal bin.

8. Checked up on my back porch vegetable garden, photographed them, rearranged them, and got rid of about half a million fallen mulberries and mulberry seedlings. (The last I have to do daily. I will be SO HAPPY when all the mulberries are gone for the year.)

9. Made some gardening posts.

10. Attended church and chatted briefly with the DRE. We ended up not actually meeting-meeting, since she's had some major life chaos this past week which will continue for the foreseeable future, but we have agreed to an email exchange on Thursday and we'll see what happens from there.

11. Changed linens.


13. Took recycling bins to curb for pickup.

14. Called Cat and chatted for about three hours, wow, where DID the time go???

And now I should really get to bed so I will be more awake tomorrow. :)

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