MCU: Breaking This Fixation

Nov 21, 2012 00:32

Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Main charaters: Clint
Referenced characters: Loki, Natasha
Pairings: Loki/Clint
Contains: Mindfucky lust, possibly PTSD/Stockholm Syndrome?
Rating: R
Summary: Loki's always gonna be a part of Clint.
Notes: I blame listening to Muse for this.

There's a part of him that wanted it, that craved the approval in Loki's eyes -- however mocking, because with Loki it's always mocking, or appreciation of his own cleverness. You have heart, he'd said, though, so he'd seen Clint, he had, he'd really seen him. And there's part of Clint that wanted even more: skin to skin, mouth to mouth, even though he knew that Loki would make it hurt, would tear a way inside him and turn everything inside out -- a part of him that was drunk, drugged, addicted, that made him want to give, to kneel, to be possessed...

And the worst part is, there's a part of him that still wants that, that remembers Loki's eyes and imagines them on him as he jerks himself off. He does it quick and rough, punishing himself (like Loki might), not letting himself have any illusions (because Loki wouldn't, seeing inside him as he did). He feels sick after, pressing his sweaty face into the pillow and hating himself, but it's still there. It's still there, and Nat's wrong. For once Nat has no idea. There's no way he can get Loki out of him, not in blood or sweat or tears, not even with time. Loki's a part of him, buried deep, and his bitterness is so sweet to Clint.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

loki, clint, avengers, loki/clint, mindfuck, mcu

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