FFX-2: Iron Sky

Jul 22, 2011 21:54

Fandom: Final Fantasy X-2
Main characters: Gippal, Baralai, Nooj, Paine
Background characters: Rikku, Nhadala, Kinoc, Shuyin
Pairings: N/a
Contains: AU
Rating: PG13
Summary: Baralai, Nooj and Paine have all been brought up as Yevonites, with a natural distrust for the Al Bhed, but to fight Sin they're prepared -- along with all the other Crimson Squad applicants -- to become human weapons with the help of Al Bhed implants. Gippal will be their expert on all things Al Bhed, particularly the implants they're going to get and have to learn to use. What on earth could possibly go wrong with that plan?
Extras: The only thing I have to offer is a .rtf file of the fic, which you can convert for an ereader or manipulate as desired for ease of reading. That's on sendspace here.

The post is too big for LJ, and is available here. You can comment here or on that post, either is welcome.

one-shot, baralai, gippal, nooj, au, big bang, ffx-2, paine, no pairing

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