Fandom: The Dark Is Rising
Pairing: Will/Bran
Warnings: Sap
Rating: PG
Summary: For now, Will isn't alone. For
"Ecclesiastes, chapter three," Will whispers into Bran's hair, curled against him, warm and comfortable and for once not lonely. "Verses one to eight."
Bran murmurs something in response, turning in his arms; looking at him, golden eyes bright. Will kisses him again, closes his eyes, tasting tea and sex and impermanence.
"To every thing there is a season," he says, and runs his fingers through Bran's hair. "A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to get, and a time to lose..."
"Ssh," Bran whispers, nuzzling against him, curling closer. They hold each other tight.