FFX-2: Souls

May 27, 2006 11:02

Fandom: Final Fantasy X-2
Pairing: None
Warnings: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: Gippal doesn't get the whole distinction here. For 30_fantasies.

It was kinda hard to believe. Gentle Baralai with a gun, gentle lovely Baralai full of despair and horrible strength. Just because that Shuyin was in him didn't make it any easier for Gippal to believe. He understood what his eyes could see, and what his eyes could see didn't really make any sense to him no matter how he reminded him about those pyreflies and the way they'd gone out of Nooj and into 'Lai.

No, Gippal didn't understand it at all, and what he understood least of all was what Nooj was saying about fighting. If they were going to fight Shuyin, that meant fighting Baralai. Not an enemy, but a friend, almost a hostage.

As far as Gippal was concerned, that just plain wasn't happening. Ever.

But Nooj always was right, he thought. Nooj always knew the right thing to do, way back when before Shuyin and despair and guns and madness, when things had been a heck of a lot simpler and they'd all camped together, and he'd been back to back for warmth with Baralai most nights. That'd made a lot more sense than anything did now.

Gippal sometimes wondered if maybe there was something different in the brains of Yevonites. Not that Nooj had ever been much of a Yevonite, and not that he was at all anymore. But still. He wasn't Al Bhed. And Gippal sometimes kinda wondered if Nooj had something completelydifferent in there that let him make a distinction between Baralai and Baralai's body.

He did believe in souls, sort of, he supposed. But souls were stuck to bodies as far as he was concerned. It wasn't like Baralai's soul could've gone strutting off god knows where leaving Shuyin to control his body like a puppet, right?

All the thinking kinda hurt his brain, to be truthful. If it was up to him, they'd just fuck it all and they'd wait and see what the heck Shuyin did with 'Lai's body and they'd stop him, no matter what. And they wouldn't hurt Baralai's body. Hell, he thought, if necessary, we could chain him up. It's not like he's superhuman or anything. Right? Couldn't break chains.

Gippal wonders what it's like having another soul shoved in there. He wonders if Baralai is cold. In pain.

Eventually, he comes to the only conclusion that seems to work for him. They're saving Baralai. Somehow, they'll hurt Baralai's body so much Shuyin won't want it anymore, but enough so that Baralai hangs in there. And that'll be a kindness. He hopes.

Nooj still seems far too sure of himself.

And, with a sigh, Gippal just follows his lead.

nooj, ffx-2, shortfic, angst, shuyin, baralai, gippal

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