FFVIII: The Perfect Fit

May 27, 2006 10:45

Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Seifer/Squall
Warnings: Smut
Rating: NC17
Summary: It was nice to have power over Squall. For 30_fantasies.

It was nice to be allowed a chance to have power over Squall. Good to have a chance to actually make Balamb's very own living ice sculpture live even just a little. Seifer was honoured and humbled and pleased beyond describing to learn that Squall Leonhart, Squall Leonhart, was in love with him. It was an incredible ego boost as well as a bit of a shock.

Seifer wasn't beyond a little seizing of the opportunity. It was simple enough. Saunter up to Leonhart's office, banter with his secretary, waltz on into Squall's office despite her protests like he owned the damn place, and then jerk Mr Puberty-Boy-Commander out of his seat with a hand fisted in his shirt. Squall was, Seifer realised for the millionth time and at that moment like it was a new revelation, very, very pretty.

It was very nice to know he had the power to shock Squally-boy speechless and motionless just with a little kiss. Well, a hard eager passionate kiss, but still just a kiss. And whether Squall was normally quiet or not was not an issue.

"Squally-boy," he breathed in his ear.

"S-Seifer, what're you doing?"

There was a breathless tone in Squall's voice which Seifer liked very much.

"Right now? I'm holding you. Nothing special. In five minutes? I plan to be fucking you, whether it's here bent over your desk or in your room and actually in a bed. I'm not too picky, I just know it's going to happen, after what Quistis told me."

"Quistis...? Oh, fuck."

Seifer smirked. He liked that look of annoyance on Squall's face, especially because for once it wasn't directed at him. The slight scrunch of Squall's nose wrinkled his scar in a way that might've been considered adorable by some.

"Yeah. Something about you being madly, deeply, truly in love with the wonderful Seifer Almasy."

"Shut up."

Seifer shut up. He only followed the order because he wasn't so much interested in talking to Squall as he was interested on kissing him stupid. Which required being silent and mostly not thinking. Concentrating only on said kissing. Which wasn't exactly a hardship, even for someone as lazy and unmotivated as Seifer. Listening to Squall's little gasp and then his eager little whimper and then his moan was quite the reward and motivation enough to make Seifer even think of passing his field exam next time if it meant he could kiss Squall more often.

"So. Desk or bed?"

"Let's go to my room," Squall said, finally. He was breathing a little hard, his cheeks just a touch flushed, his hair just a little mussed. Seifer was very, very pleased. Having power over Squall was, he decided, a privilege he was going to abuse and abuse and abuse some more, over and over again, just to see Squall like that, all hot and bothered.

And once Seifer had Squall half naked and sprawled across his bed, looking up at him almost pleadingly, he decided that he would do pretty much anything to get Squall like that over and over and over again. Because he looked so fucking gorgeous, it pretty much took Seifer's breath away.

"What do you want, Leonhart?" he asked, tauntingly, teasingly, running his tongue over his lower lip and looking at Squall with this predatory look in his eyes like he wanted to fucking eat him. And he looked damn tasty, at that.

Squall wriggled a little, scooting further towards the end of the bed where Seifer stood and wrapping his leg round the back of Seifer's knees, forcing him to fall forward. There was an intense look in Squall's eyes that made Seifer smirk. He moved up Squall's body and then lay down against him, pressing close.


Squall didn't answer immediately. He kissed Seifer, nipping at his lower lip, hands running down his back. He nipped at Seifer's jaw and kissed his neck and sucked and licked and bit at the part where Seifer's neck met his shoulder. He made Seifer catch his breath and moan and he wrapped his arms tightly around him, pushing up against him, before he answered. "I want you to fuck me," he whispered, his mouth against Seifer's ear. He nipped at Seifer's earlobe lightly and dared to smirk slightly at the sound Seifer made.

"I... shit. I think I can do that."

"I know you can."

It was pretty damned amazing. Hearing and seeing and feeling Squall like that. A little teasing and warm and squirming underneath him. It blew the mind a little as a concept, let alone in real life.

Seifer got Squall's pants undone just a little clumsily. Normally, he was cool and smooth and easy with such things. Normally. It was just a little harder when he knew that he was going to fuck Squall. Just a little harder still to think that he had power over Squall. That, really, Squall would do whatever the hell he was asked. Seifer was almost tempted to push that, wise enough not to.

Squall got Seifer's pants undone quickly enough. His hands were fucking everywhere, or so it felt. He had Seifer's trench coat and shirt off easily, his hands sliding underneath and pushing them off easily, one after the other. And soon enough they were both naked, and Squall's skin was warm and smooth under Seifer's touch.

"Come on," Squall whispered, breathy and eager, and Seifer closed his eyes and waited until Squall said it again before he moved because damn Leonhart's voice was damned sexy.

And then he did move, fumbling for lube and kissing Squall with more eagerness than finesse and knowing it didn't matter. He pushed his tongue into Squall's mouth and pushed a finger into his entrance and had him writhing and whimpering and moaning, and he decided right then that the award for the sexiest thing in the world would have to go to Squall's moans. He pushed a second finger into Squall and twisted them just a little, just a little and just right, and had Squall pushing his hips up and begging like that was what he was made for.

Once he'd put a third finger into Squall, the begging was really getting to him.

So then he gave up, and greater men than he would give up right then, he was sure of it. He pushed into Squall and lay against him trying to catch his breath, and damn their bodies fit together well, Squall's arms around him easily, Squall's hips pushing up and eager for more.

It was nice. Really damn nice and nice wasn't a good enough word for it.

Finding a rhythm was easy, just like fighting, it came natural and to have Squall panting under him was a wonderful thing, a lovely sight and a great encouragement and reward. Seifer found himself doing whatever Squall asked, even though he was supposed to be the one with power over Squall, thrusting hard into that lovely body and causing the most interesting moans and groans and breathy little eager noises.

It really was like a little piece of heaven.

By the time his hand was over Squall's and he was helping Squall to jerk himself off, Seifer was convinced that the whole having-power-over thing went both ways, and he wasn't so sure he minded. Squall was damned gorgeous like that and Seifer would like nothing better than to always be the cause of that, to make Squall look like that again and again and again.

And yeah, Squall looked absolutely beautiful when he came, and he was so fucking tight and hot and the look on his face was too much and so Seifer came as well, groaning loudly to match Squall's cry of his name.

And when Seifer lay down on top of him, holding him close, they still fit together perfectly.

And when Squall pushed him away a little, a little too warm, a little too much closeness shared, Seifer pulled out of him and flopped down at his side perfectly happily, because they suited each other that well.

"We'll be doing that again," Seifer informed Squall.

"Yeah," Squall said, and he was almost smiling.

ffviii, one-shot, seifer/squall, smut

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