(no subject)

Dec 03, 2007 23:50

You know. I only post here every great while. and almost always, its only when I'm caught in some depth of aggravation or depression.

However that is not the case today. Today I am simply posting for the hell of it.

Though I am aggravated that my bank charged me over draft fees without my actually over drafting.. which confuses me and They will hear my mind tomorrow and hopefully give me my $70 back ): (there were two over drafts, the first one was probably for the fact that I had a pending charge that would have over drafted me if I had not put a check into the bank before it actually posted, and the second was because the over draft fee over drafted my account so they charged me 35 more fricken dollars. ugh)

but yes.

GOLDEN COMPASS COMES OUT ON FRIDAY~~~~ I can't wait I'm going to use whatever money is left from my banking problems to be sure I can go. but :( I work friday which is a bummer. HOWEVER! I will make every attempt to get out of there in a timely manner!! ZUTTO!!

I find my self attempting to get random Tamora Pierce books in audio version so I can listen to them while I roll Silverware. I might just have to buy a new CD player though, because my MP3 player lasts 20 minutes of crappy quality sound. It used to last an hour... pos cube. :(:(

I'm enjoying my two jobs and I hope to post more in the future... ttyl~
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