Title: As If You'll Live Forever
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Cedric/Cho
Rating: G/PG
Word Count: 484
Note: Thank you to the lovely
jadeites_lady for beta'ing! :D Title from this quote: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." - James Dean. Also, I found this little gem while searching for quotes and even though it doesn't fit for the title, I thought it's appropriate for the fic: "I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time." - Calvin and Hobbes (aka genius in the form of a comic, y'all).
She dreams. Night after night, she dreams.
She has dreams that don’t stop for months and months.
There are those in which he died, his eyes still wide as his body lied inanimate in the graveyard, screams that are not his mixed with cackles and amused chuckles from the masked ones. She forgets these dreams as soon as she wakes, wiping her memories away along with her tears, her soaked pillows and sheets ignored.
The ones she remembers most vividly are the ones in which he lived.
He returns with the Triwizard Cup raised triumphantly above his head, his face beaming as his eyes single her out of the crowd within seconds. He runs up to her and crushes his lips on hers, their audience and the whistles and the cheers fade into the background.
He returns behind Harry, disappointed and desolate, tired and scarred, but lights up in comfort when he sees the reassurance in her smile. She runs down to him, her arms thrown around his neck as her kisses trail along his cheek and jaw, her overwhelming relief overcomes the embarrassment or the stinging of his wounds.
One thing is always the same: he returns.
She dreams about the future that never becomes. The future where their lives continue, and life goes on the way it should.
He spends a week in the Hospital Wing - “just in case,” orders Madame Pomfrey - and she stays with him day in and day out. Another summer and another year goes by, and he enlists her help during those extra study hours at the library, preparing for his N.E.W.T.s. He finishes school, and takes her travelling around the continent for a summer before satisfying his father and settling into a position within the Ministry. He sees her off at King’s Cross in September, giving her one last embrace before she embarks on her seventh year.
She promises to owl him everyday, and does, with the phrase “only one more year” getting her through each day. She receives little notes from him during breakfast each morning, whether it be a dorky yet witty joke he knows she’d like - she was pleasantly surprised to find their senses of humour so alike - or “I saw someone eating steamed buns and thought of you.” She fends off advances of boys from all Houses and Years, not saying anything, but simply plays with the small silver ring on the chain around her neck instead.
She finishes school, at last, and he is the first one she sees at the platform. From then on, everything moves along. Wedding and marriage and babies and family. Hardships and fights and apologies and understandings. Making it through. The flashes are quick, yet distinct and clear. She can see everything there ever was and ever will be. So this is ”forever.”
She wakes. Drenched in sweat and horror, she realises: the nightmares won’t ever fade.