LJ Interests meme results
- art:
makes me want to rock out,although i do get taken to a lot of galleries now by journalists for interviews,so i've decided to change the name of my band to brewery brut - booster gold:
The most amazing superhero ever,stole loads of stuff from a superhero museum in the future,then went back in time to be a superhero for the money and the glory,and chose of all places metropolis (where superman lives) amazing
I only need about three comics and ive got the complete series,i did try and buy every comic he was in ever including the JLA but i started running out of space to keep them - comics:
Are amazing,I'm nearly 26 - fighting:
This isn't true,im scared of fighting,that'll teach me to lie in my live journal interest's - helen love:
One of my favourite bands,we're covering Debbie loves joey for her tribute album,I once proposed to her in a pub when i was 17,she said no,very politely - luke haines:
Amazing still cant afford his new three cd box set though which is a pisser. - mika bomb:
I love them so much that when we played with them,I dedicated every single song to them,"this songs for mika bomb because i love them..." even rusted guns..whoops - pulp:
The only band I listened to when I was 15\16\17 when i left home i had to sell nearly all of their records for cider and bus fare,i miss some of them a lot,it was a very stupid thing to do. - the chalets:
sound like the B-52's QUIRKY POP,NOVELTY BAND,I'm going out with their drummer,Dylan. - the modern lovers:
The band of the man I hero worship too much Jonathon Richman,sometimes I only Listen to the modern lovers and Jonathon Richman for months at a time
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