I need a vacation. It's been over a year since I've taken any time off work for more than a day or two, or travelled anywhere for fun. Will is on vacation this week. So are my parents, and Dave and Michelle. I am envious of them all. I start school very soon and I'm worried that it's just not going to happen this year and that makes me feel grumpy.
What does not make me feel grumpy is the fact that I have the house all to myself this week. It was weird to wake up by myself this morning for the first time in months. But I was able to leave the bathroom door open while I peed so that more than made up for it. I have lots of projects lined up for myself over then next few days, including some good crafting time. Knitting and sewing ahoy!
In other news, why has my electric bill suddenly jumped from a steady $80 average to over $180 this month?! Wtf. Must be some mistake.
I did not lose any weight this week. In fact, I appear to have gained about a lb. But I think that is probably just correction for last week's seemingly sudden 3lb drop. I should have known that was too good to be true. But the overall trend is still down.
This morning I finally re-adjusted my dress form for the first time since I started WW, which means I took my measurements. I was happy to find that I have lost 3 inches from my waist and 3 inches from my hips and no inches from my boobs! No wonder my pants don't fit anymore. It was nice to see that on a morning when the scale was making me feel like I hadn't made much progress.