SGA was cancelled as a result of a “creative call”!?
According to David Howe, SciFi present. “This was a creative call to move Stargate Atlantis into [made-for-television] movies and then to launch Stargate: Universe,” said Sci Fi president Dave Howe. “Stargate SG-1 went 10 years; Stargate Atlantis is now in its fifth season; and the producers looked at the stories and how it played out and how many more iterations of that story felt right and we totally agreed with them. “Stargate Atlantis had been great, but it was now time to think about the next chapter.”
Well this “creative call” was not very creative! It would have been more creative to have a true scifi lineup for Friday nights with SGU, SGA, and Sanctuary. This is a scifi channel, proof it by producing scifi shows, not wrestling, or scare tactics, or hunting ghosts! They seriously need to get another Creative Caller!