I really enjoyed Inquisition last night. Even though it didn't focus a lot on the Team, I didn't mind too much because it give me a little more insight into Woolsey.
He really impressed me in this episode. He did two things in particular:
He gave up his watch that his father had given him and we had learned in The Shrine that this father had Alzheimer's, so wow that must have been a very difficult thing to do and he actually bribed one of the judges, again wow. A stright edged, by the book person like Woolsey bribed a judge. He was willing to do these two things in order to secure the safe return of his team.
I do not think he would have never even considered approaching the judge with a bribe if he was still back on Earth and had never gone to Atlantis. I like him and I like the fact that he will do what is necessary to ensure the safe return of members of the expedition. It puts a worm fuzzy feeling in my heart.
I also enjoyed the last scene....it was fun and reminded me of Boston Legal.