… Well, this is one of the slowest days I’ve had at work in awhile, so I’ll be getting my LJ on while I can. I know it’s been a while, so here’s a rundown:
8 weeks ago:
… Thanksgiving went well. Alice and Nora were gracious enough to have me & Theo over. I enjoyed myself; Theo took a little while to warm up to everyone, but after Nora gave him a massive serving of Cool Whip (with a dash of pumpkin pie), he was set for the evening… (who knew 5 year olds had a sixth gear?)
6 weeks ago:
… One of my coworkers, Meghan, became an aunt, and I got a speeding ticket (from getting Theo after Dragon Con) reduced. End of year billing had been keeping me busy at work, and would continue to do so for the next few weeks…
5 weeks ago:
… I was the Mystery Reader for Theo’s class. He was so excited, since I didn’t warn him beforehand I would be there. It also happened to be the day of there holiday party, so other parents had been there during lunch decorating the classroom, and they had party games after I read to them. Fun was had by all. My therapist was pleased with my progress thus far, and wanted to know if I wanted to continue the sessions. I told her yes, since there are still unresolved issues I needed to work on, unrelated to the pending divorce…
4 weeks ago:
… My mom came to visit over the week of Christmas. Theo hadn’t spent any real quality time with her since he was a baby. The language barrier didn’t help either, but he bonded with her during that week, which really affected her. She needed that, and I was happy to have her here. This house is too empty right now. I try to spend as much time as possible away from it when I don’t have Theo. I agree with Ashley that this is something I need to work on, but I don’t see it as running away, at least not exactly. How does one run away from feeling alone? If the result is me socializing more, is it really a bad thing? I’m not quite sure how I’m supposed to deal with this, if at all…
3 weeks ago:
… Ah, the lowest of the lows. I must say I didn’t really enjoy the year in review, 2008. Right after my mom left, depression reared it’s ugly head, dragging me down. I barely put up a fight. It culminated in one of the most pathetic moments of my life: after Theo went down, I spent New Year’s Eve drinking alone, looking at wedding pictures. Ugh. I could have gone out, but I just didn’t have the motivation. I was feeling better the next day, but it’s clouded my mood all month so far…
2 weeks ago:
… We flew in most of the sales force for a company meeting. Profits were up for last year, but nowhere near as much as my bosses wanted. They’re pushing for a truly stellar year. We went over a whole lot of motivational stuff, and discussed a better delineation of our roles and responsibilities. Afterwards, we spent the evening out, on my bosses tab, at the North River Tavern. (it also happened to be my birthday) Good night all around; thanks to all the well wishers, and to my DD…
Last week:
… My therapist understood my emotional back slide, and I’m just going to have to keep working on getting back to a better place. My back also decided to remind me that I’m getting on in age, and I need to get into better shape. I’ve been to the chiropractor 3 times since last Friday, and I’ve spent the last week sleeping on the living room floor. Theo has actually been looking forward to crashing with me out there, since I’ve also been turning on the fireplace. He’s had a tough few weeks at school, the big thing being not following directions. I know his schedule is completely off, what with the holidays, and the hours that have been forced upon Ashley, but he’s now been on restrictions for over a week, and his behavior at school hasn’t improved. Hopefully the parent-teacher conference next week will prove helpful…
… As for the present, I’m still a long ways from getting better, but life still continues to slowly improve. Ashley keeps doing things that annoy me, and I keep doing the same thing to her, but we’re getting along, for the most part. Interaction has been minimal (we didn’t realize just how much we only text each other ‘til this week), but communication is still there, for Theo’s sake. I’ve got a few things planned with Theo while she’s out of town for the next week, and hopefully we’ll make some headway on what’s going on with him at school soon. The next few weeks look busy all the way around, but I think I’m looking forward to it. We’ll see…